Page 9 - 2024 Cassowary Coast Informer
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       AFTER THE EVENT                   who may arrange for clearance if there is damage,   funding programs are designed to only provide
       Take care when releasing animals, their environment   or contact contractors if they need help with clearing   disaster victims with the very basic living
                                         trees and debris. Residents with special needs that
       may have been severely damaged and the animals   do not have insurance may register with Council if
       may be very disoriented, frightened or aggressive.                 Many uninsured disaster victims face the prospect of
                                         they require assistance with debris clean up. When   having to work extra years to get back to the standard
       For further information on disaster preparedness  it comes to drains, Council can only clear drains   of living they had known prior to the disaster. When
       contact your local SES, Cassowary Coast Regional   on council-owned land, reserves and easements.    insuring your property take into consideration that
       Council or visit:   River Trust organises clean-up operations for other   disasters create a ‘supply and demand’ economy that
                                         waterways.                       may see building costs rise; it is important to factor
       BUSINESS PREPAREDNESS                                              that increase into your insurance policy so you do not
       Cyclones and floods have caused billions of    INSURANCE           find yourself under insured.
       dollars worth of damage over the last few years.    Do not be fooled in to thinking you do not need to    Remember to carefully read and review your
       It is up to business owners to prepare for a   insure your property. Natural disasters are not the   insurance policy each year.
       disaster event to lessen the impact of a disaster   only risk to your property and most disaster related
       on their business.
       After a cyclone it is not uncommon to experience   To prepare visit ......
       power outages. If your business relies on power to
       operate you should consider purchasing a generator;   Disaster Dashboard
       remember you will need to have an electrician hard      or ......................................................................
       wire your business to run a generator. It is not up to
       emergency services or your council to provide   Life Threatening Emergency ..........................000
       your business with a generator.      SES Flood & Storm Assistance ...............13 2500
       Disasters have caused many unprepared businesses
       to close their doors. There are numerous websites   Power Lines Down ...................................13 1670
       that will assist a business owner with writing their   Power Failures .........................................13 2296
       business continuity plan. The Queensland
       Government’s Business Development website has   Main Road Closures .................................13 1940
       a range of templates and strategies to assist you in
       disaster proofing your livelihood:     Other requests for assistance such as water, waste water, council roads,            drains, environmental health or trees down on council roads, buildings
       DISASTER RELATED DEBRIS            or land, etc. contact:              1300 188 505
                                            Council Disaster Coordination Centre
       CLEANUP                                  (DURING DISASTER ACTIVATION ONLY)
       Council is not responsible for cleaning up private   Disaster
       yards. It is important residents contact their insurer,
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